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Our Top 5 Reasons for Spending Time in Nature

June 21, 2020

There are numerous benefits of getting outside and enjoying nature.

​​T​oday we are going to share our top 5.

1. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature produce an automatic relaxing effect on both body and mind. ​​

2. Exercising outside has greater health benefits than exercising inside. Research revealed that people engaging in outdoor exercise were shown to have lower blood pressure, higher self esteem, and improved mood compared to indoor exercisers.

3. Just taking a stroll outdoors is a great way to get your body moving. While biking or jogging can put a serious strain on your joints, walking is much easier on them! If you're trying to protect your knees, hips, or ankles from further damage, try taking up walking as an exercise. Not only does walking take the weight off of sore joints, but X-Ray Imaging Services have shown that it also strengthens muscles in ways that reduce pain and improve mobility. Taking a long and relaxing walk is one of the best exercises for anyone who suffers from chronic joint pain.

4. Nature's ability to enhance the functioning of the body's immune system. Research has found evidence that spending time in nature provides protections against a startling range of diseases.

5.  Exposure to natural light and fresh air can improve your sleep. Getting between 15 to 20 minutes a day of sunshine will allow your body to absorb Vitamin D.

Checkout the video below as we take a walk at the Brevard County Zoo Linear Park in Melbourne, Florida

Please share with us in the comments of how and where you like to spend time in nature.